Trophies for MathLand Trophy Set

MathLand Trophy Set MathLand Trophy Set
Expert in maths
Expert in maths MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock all achievements
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all MathLand Trophy Set
Get first collectable
Multiplication gem
Multiplication gem MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first gem from the Sea of Multiplication
Division gem
Division gem MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first gem from the Sea of Division.
Comparisons gem
Comparisons gem MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first gem from the Sea of Comparisons.
For the first time in forever
For the first time in forever MathLand Trophy Set
Finish valve minivame successfully.
Sea of Addition
Sea of Addition MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first island from the Sea of Addition
Sea of Subtraction
Sea of Subtraction MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first island from the Sea of Subtraction
Sea of Multiplication
Sea of Multiplication MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first island from the Sea of Multiplication
Sea of Division
Sea of Division MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first island from the Sea of Division
Sea of Comparisons
Sea of Comparisons MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first island from the Sea of Comparisons
Addition gem
Addition gem MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first gem from the Sea of Addition
Subtraction gem
Subtraction gem MathLand Trophy Set
Unlock the first gem from the Sea of Subtraction